Saturday, 13 July 2013

Doc Barbara Takes a Step Back but Goes Forward Once More

   Doc Barbara has taken a pause in her enterprise to illustrate all the works of Shakespeare. We are sorry to disappoint her many fans but can report that she intends to continue when she has solved the problem of how to paint Titus Andronicus. Meanwhile she has returned to her campaign to interest Londoners in rural life, realising that her attempt to demonstrate milking with an adult cow in Trafalgar Square was a little over-ambitious. 

   She has therefore established herself on Platform 4 at Paddington Station with this appealing calf and some accoutrements. The trains for Wales frequently leave from this spot and so there is an innate symbolism in her choice of venue. If you see the animal and approve, please moo loudly in support.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Zounds but I am fed up of meeting on this blasted heath.

We asked Doc Barbara, as part of her epic endeavour to illustrate all of Shakespeare, to use her imagination and look beyond the box. Here she seems to have entered into the mind of one of the witches and invented a suitable quotation to match. We admire her sky-blue thinking but are unsure how the rest of the plays will stand up to this open-ended treatment.